Roz Shares: How Everything Counts – A Timeless Message Of Hope And Encouragement

UPDATED: September 26, 2024

This post was originally published in 2012, and an earlier one before that. It’s message IS THAT IMPORTANT, I wanted to update it, and republish with a more current date!

Through the years the theory “of Everything Counting” is as true today as it was then. To be truly authentic, I use this strategy daily, sometimes a few times a day!

Furthermore, these two small words changed my life and motivated me to begin projects knowing I could not finish them in one sitting ~ something I’m not proud to admit ~ because I would NEVER have done it before.

Consider this:

You need to clean up a room, clean out a closet, re-arrange a bookcase or perhaps paint your entire apartment or house.  In business it might be you want to re-do your website, create a new blog, install a shopping cart, do some filing, etc.  Whatever… you’ve been putting it off because you do not have a lot of time, so you say: “I’ll attack this project when I get more time” ~ or worse yet… “someday when I have more time!”  I am smiling as I write this – Can you see me? – I hope you are smiling too, because…

If you are like me, “someday” may never happen and the job grows monumentally in size and stress by the the time you do have the time.  Sometimes a large chunk of time, just never comes and the project never gets started.  It becomes a distant memory – worse yet an “accusing reminder” of the project that never was ~The opportunity that never came to fruition.

NOW… Consider this scenario:

You do a little today, maybe another chunk tomorrow and then more the next day or next week.  The point here is to get started!  One action — no matter how small — builds on the other and eventually the project gets done. NOTHING… “did you hear me”… NOTHING is too small, because EVERYTHING COUNTS!

This blog post was inspired by a sales training call years ago with my mentor Eric Lofholm.  Eric shared the now familiar theory that Everything Counts!”

On a personal note: 

Years later, I can still hear Eric Lofholm’s words ringing in my ears, each time I start a new project, a project I might not have started otherwise. It never occurred to me, that “everything really does count” towards achieving my goal to creating or painting if you will, the bigger picture. Even throwing out a piece of paper, one piece of junk mail, or even washing one cup counts. CONSIDER THIS: Those things (the one piece of paper, the one piece of junk mail, or even the one cup) WILL NOT be there — to do — the next time!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subject.  Please type them in the Comments Box below. I look forward to sharing with you. Let’s create a “community of encouragement and inspiration!”

Say Thank You

Let’s make it a point to “Thank at least one person a day!”

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Luv & Hugs,

Roz Fruchtman